
createStringFromArray(pVariant, [stringFormat], [stringFormatNoIncrement], [stringSeperator], [stringSingleVal])

Packs the given integers into a string which attempts to represent them in an efficient manner. E.g. The integers 1;2;3,4,5, 10 would become "1T5;10"

pVariantarray of integers Array of integers to be set as string list
stringFormatoptional string C-style string format to be used for list, for example "%d to %d in increments of %d". The default is "%dT%dI%d"
stringFormatNoIncrementoptional string C-style string format to be used for list when no increment is given for example "1 to 5"("in increments of 1" is assumed), The default is "%dT%d"
stringSeperatoroptional string List seperator character to be used when more than one expression is needed, e.g.1T5;10T15. Default is ";"
stringSingleValoptional string C-style string format to be used when a single value is outputted, for example "line %d". Default is "%d".
Return valuestringReturned in the chosen format

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