
colourBySurfaceConnectivity(generateKey, [pen0], [pen1], [pen2], [pen3], [draw0], [draw1], [draw2], [draw3])

Colour the plot by the number of parents of each line Thus a surface will be (for example) red if it is not attached to any volume, green if attached to only one, blue if attached to two and yellow if attached to three or more. Point connectivity is shown the same way. Note that this plot does not show how lines connect to surfaces - use colourByLineConnectivity for this

generateKeybooleandisplay a colour key?
pen0optional VARIANT pen number to draw objects with 0 parents
pen1optional VARIANT pen number to draw objects with 1 parent
pen2optional VARIANT pen number to draw objects with 2 parents
pen3optional VARIANT pen number to draw objects with 3 or more parents
draw0optional boolean Draw objects with 0 parents? (default true)
draw1optional boolean Draw objects with 1 parent? (default true)
draw2optional boolean Draw objects with 2 parents? (default true)
draw3optional boolean Draw objects with 3 or more parents? (default true)
Return valuenone 

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