Lusas Programmable Interface (LPI)

Commonly Used Objects

This section details the objects that are used most frequently. It is not intended to be exhaustive (see below).

Modeller - This object represents the currently running instance of modeller. All other objects are logically children of this object. From here it is possible to open and access a database, modify the menus, modify the toolbars and similar high level activities. In practice, within a VBScript, it is not necessary to refer to the Modeller object, as all of its functions appear as global functions.

Database - The database represents the currently open model file. Generally, objects within a database are some kind of DatabaseMember , Loadset , Attribute or Control .

DatabaseMember - points, lines, surfaces, volumes, elements and nodes are all specialised examples of DatabaseMember . These represent the physical model.

Loadset - a loadset is a generic term which includes loadcases, load curves, envelopes, combinations and similar. These are used to distinguish between the steps within the analysis.

Attribute - loading, materials, slidelines, transformations, and all other objects that appear in the attributes or utilities treeviews in Modeller are all specialised examples of attribute.

Control - controls are attached to Loadcase objects and control the analysis. They dictate whether the analysis is linear, non-linear, dynamic etc and contain the parameters to fine tune such analyses.

View - A view (there can be several) represents a modeller drawing window. At any one time only one of them is 'current' - which represents the front-most one that has the user's attention.

ObjectSet - An object set can contain any number of DatabaseMember . The selection within a window, the set of visible objects within a window and user-defined groups are all specialised examples of ObjectSet

Object Heirarchy

This section contains an overview of the structure of the object interfaces defined in the LPI. It shows the 'is a' relationship between objects. For example, any Surface object is a DatabaseMember object, but not all DatabaseMember objects are Surface objects (as some will be points, lines, etc). This means that it is always valid to call DatabaseMember functions on a Surface object, but that you can only call Surface functions on a DatabaseMember if you are very sure that it is, in fact, a surface.

Thus this section is presented with generic, low-level objects first (to the left), leading to more specialised, high-level objects to the right.

 +- Menu  
 +- PolylineDefn  
 +- Modeller   (Global Functions)
 |- ToolbarManager  
 |- ResultsCache  
 |- AnimationManager  
 |- AnimationView  
 |- Layer  
 |  +- WireframeLayer  
 |  |  +- MeshLayer  
 |  |  |- GeometryLayer  
 |  |
 |  |- LabelLayer  
 |  +- VisualiseLayer  
 |  |  +- AttributesLayer  
 |  |  |- UtilitiesLayer  
 |  |
 |  |- AnnotationLayer  
 |  |- DeformLayer  
 |  |- ResultsLayer  
 |     +- VectorsLayer  
 |     |- ContoursLayer  
 |     |- DiagramsLayer  
 |     |- ValuesLayer  
 |- Window  
 |  +- TextWindow  
 |  |- View  
 |- GeometryData  
 |- DatabaseMember  
 |  +- DatabaseOperations   (Geometric Functionality)
 |  |  +- Geometry  
 |  |  |  +- Point  
 |  |  |  |- Line  
 |  |  |  |- CombinedLine  
 |  |  |  |- Surface  
 |  |  |  |- Volume  
 |  |  |  |- HollowVolume  
 |  |  |
 |  |  |- ObjectSet  
 |  |     +- Selection  
 |  |     |- Group  
 |  |        |- Database  
 |  |        +- SliceGroup  
 |  |
 |  |- MeshFamily  
 |  |  +- Node  
 |  |  |- Element  
 |  |  |- Edge  
 |  |  |- Face  
 |  |
 |  |- BackgroundGrid  
 |  |- ObjsToDrape  
 |  |- Annotation  
 |     +- TextAnnotation  
 |     |- LineAnnotation  
 |     |- PolygonAnnotation  
 |     |- ArrowAnnotation  
 |     |- BitmapAnnotation  
 |     |- SymbolAnnotation  
 |     |- AnnotationBlock  
 |        +- KeyAnnotation  
 |        |- BorderAnnotation  
 |- UnitSet  
 |- Options  
 |- 3dCoords  
 |- 2dCoords  
 |- Graph  
 |- Curve  
 |- Control  
 |  +- EigenControl  
 |  |- FourierControl  
 |  |- TransientControl  
 |- AnalysisBaseClass  
 |  +- Analysis  
 |  +- VLOAnalysis  
 |  |- DirectMethodInfAnalysis  
 |  |- AnalysisCableTuning  
 |- Loadset  
 |- +- PreLoadset  
 |  |- +- LoadCurve  
 |  |- |- Loadcase  
 |  |- Envelope  
 |  |- BasicCombination  
 |  |- SmartCombination  
 |  |- Fatigue  
 |  |- IMD  
 |  |- LoadsetTargetValues  
 |  |- CableTuningResults  
 |  |- ResultsLoadset  
 |- Report  
 |- ReportChapter  
 |- ResultsChapter  
 |- MeshResultsSubChapter  
 |- Dialog  
    +- SelectLoadsetsDialog  
    |- FileDialog  
 |- Assignment  
 |- ExportDataObj  
 |- TabulateDataObj  
 |- ExportIgesDataObj  
 |- ExportStepDataObj  
 |- ExportDxfDataObj  
 |- ExportStlDataObj  
 |- ExportNasDataObj  
 |- ExportAnsysDataObj  
 |- ExportAbaqusDataObj  
 |- ScriptExportDataObj  
 |- LusasRunOptionsObj  
 |- ImportDataObj  
 |- ImportIgesDataObj  
 |- ImportDxfDataObj  
 |- ImportCmdDataObj  
 |- ExportCmdDataObj  
 |- ImportPatranDataObj  
 |- ImportStlDataObj  
 |- ImportDatFileDataObj  
 |- ImportStepFileDataObj  
 |- ImportInfFileDataObj  
 |- ImportFiberSimDataObj  
 |- ElementDataObj  
 |- PrintWizardDataObj  
 |- GridWindow  ;
    +- LPIGridWindow  ;
    |- PrintResultsWindow  
 |- Attribute  
    +- MeshAttr  
    |  +- MeshPoint  
    |  |- PointSpacingMeshAttr  
    |  |- PointElementMeshAttr  
    |  |- MeshLine  
    |  |- MeshSurface  
    |  |- MeshVolume  
    |- TransformationAttr  
    |  +- PlanarRotationTransAttr  
    |  |- GenRotationTransAttr  
    |  |- ScaleTransAttr  
    |  |- TranslationTransAttr  
    |  |- MirrorPlaneTransAttr  
    |  |- CompoundTransAttr  
    |  |- AboutAxisTransAttr  
    |  |- TangentPathTransAttr  
    |  |- TranslationalPathTransAttr  
    |- Dataset  
    |- PSD  
    |- SpectralCurve  
    |- LocalCoord  
    |  +- PlanarRotationCartLocalAttr  
    |  |- PlanarRotationCylLocalAttr  
    |  |- PlanarRotationSphLocalAttr  
    |  |- GenRotationCartLocalAttr  
    |  |- GenRotationCylLocalAttr  
    |  |- GenRotationSphLocalAttr  
    |  |- ScaleCartLocalAttr  
    |  |- ScaleCylLocalAttr  
    |  |- ScaleSphLocalAttr  
    |  |- SurfaceAxesLocalAttr  
    |- VariationAttr  
    |  +- VariationField  
    |  |- VariationLine  
    |  |- InterpolationVariation  
    |  |- VariationSurface  
    |  |- VariationBoundary  
    |  |- VariationGrid  
    |  |- VariationFactored  
    |- Geometric  
    |  +- GeometricLine  
    |  |- GeometricSurface  
    |  |- GeometricJoint  
    |- Activate  
    |- Deactivate  
    |- Damping  
    |- Equivalence  
    |- SurfaceRadiation  
    |- SearchArea  
    |- Age  
    |- Slide  
    |- ThermalSurfaceGap  
    |- ThermalSurface  
    |- Support  
    |  +- SupportThermal  
    |  |- SupportStructural  
    |- Loading  
    |  +- LoadingBeamDistributed  
    |  |- LoadingBeamPoint  
    |  |- LoadingConcentrated  
    |  |- LoadingBody  
    |  |- LoadingFace  
    |  |- FieldFaceLoading  
    |  |- LoadingDiscretePoint  
    |  |  +- DiscreteFluxPointLoading  
    |  |  +- DiscreteHeatPointLoading  
    |  |- LoadingDiscretePatch  
    |  |  +- DiscreteENVTLoading  
    |  |  +- DiscreteFluxPatchLoading  
    |  |  +- DiscreteHeatPatchLoading  
    |  |- DiscreteCompoundLoading  
    |  |- LoadingTemperature  
    |  |- LoadingStressStrain  
    |  |- LoadingGlobalDistributed  
    |  |- LoadingLocalDistributed  
    |  |- PrescribedDisplacementLoad  
    |  |- PrescribedVelocityLoad  
    |  |- PrescribedAccelerationLoad  
    |  |- LoadingFlux  
    |  |- PrescribedTemperatureLoad  
    |  |- LoadingEnvironmental  
    |  |- InternalHeatLoading  
    |  |- InternalHeatUserLoading  
    |  |- InitialAccelerationLoad  
    |  |- InitialVelocityLoad  
    |  |- LoadingConcreteHydration  
    |- Constraint  
    |  +- ConstraintConstant  
    |  |- ConstraintCyclic  
    |  |- CyclicTranslation  
    |  |- NormalTiedMeshConstraint  
    |  |- ConstraintPath  
    |  |- PlanarSurfaceConstraint  
    |  |- RigidDisplacementConstraint  
    |  |- RigidLinkConstraint  
    |  |- ConstraintEquation  
    |  |- ConstraintTied  
    |  |- StraightLineConstraint  
    |- RetainedFreedom  
    |  +- RetainedStructural  
    |  |- RetainedThermal  
    |- Material  
    |  +- MaterialTropicSet  
    |  |- MaterialIsotropic  
    |  |- MaterialOrthotropic  
    |  |- CoupledWovenMaterial  
    |  |- AnisotropicMaterial  
    |  |- RigiditiesMaterial  
    |  |- FrictionalJointMaterial  
    |  |- GeneralJointMaterial  
    |  |- NonlinearJointMaterial  
    |  |- SmoothJointMaterial  
    |  |- SpringJointMaterial  
    |  |- UniformJointMaterial  
    |  |- ViscousJointMaterial  
    |  |- LeadRubberBearingJointMaterial  
    |  |- FrictionalPendulumJointMaterial  
    |  |- NonLinearUserJointMaterial  
    |  |- PiecewiseLinearJointMaterial  
    |  |- FieldIsotropicMaterial  
    |  |- FieldOrthotropicMaterial  
    |  |- InterfaceMaterial  
    |  |- RubberMaterial  
    |  |- VolumeCrushingMaterial  
    |  |- MaterialMass  
    |  |- MaterialNonlinear  
    |  |- MaterialNonlinearUser  
    |  |- MaterialResultantUser  
    |  |- CEBFIPconcreteMaterial  
    |  |- Eurocode2concreteMaterial  
    |  |- ChineseCreepConcreteMaterial  
    |  |- PolymerMaterial  
    |  |- GPMdamageMaterial  
    |  |- NonlinearUserThermal  
    |  |- CamClayMaterialSet  
    |  |- PiecewiseLinearBarMaterial  
    |- Composite  
    |  +- CompositeBeam  
    |  |- CompositeShell  
    |  |- CompositeWoven  
    |  |- CompositeFiberSIM  
    |  |- CompositeSimulayt  
    |- Influence  
    |- InfluenceV141  
    |- TendonProperties  
    |- TendonProfile  
    |- FailureComposite  
    |- DesignFactor  
    |- BeamStressRecovery  
    |- ScriptedAttribute  
    |- CrackTip  
    |- ElementTypeAttr  
    |- Polyline  
    |  +- ReferencePath