
createScriptedResults(entity, [component], [packedDim], [unitSet], [denominatatorUnitSet])

As initialiseScriptedResults but leaves the result for each node, element node and element gauss point marked internally as 'not available'. This allows you, for example, to specify results only for a subset of elements (or nodes) and then draw contours - the contours will only appear where results have actually been specified.

entitystring or long Name or index of results entity
componentstring Name of results component
packedDimoptional integer Dimensionality of the component
unitSetoptional Unit set The name or ID of a Unit set, or a pointer to a UnitSet object. Customised (e.g. codified) unit set for this result - default is database units
denominatatorUnitSetoptional Unit set The name or ID of a Unit set, or a pointer to a UnitSet object. Customised (e.g. codified) unit set for the optional extra 'per length/area' denominator - default is database units
Return valuenone 

See also flushScriptedResults setScriptedResultsEntity specifyResultsUpdateScript setNodeScriptedResults setGaussScriptedResults setScriptedResults packDimensionality

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