
getClosestToVector(Origin, Direction, PointOnStraightLine, PointOnThisLine, IsValidSolution)

Given a straight line defined by a position and direction, this function returns the closest positions on the straight line and this line

OriginVARIANT An array of 3 real numbers, representing 3d coordinates Any position on the straight line
DirectionVARIANT An array of 3 real numbers, representing 3d coordinates Direction vector of the straight line
PointOnStraightLineVARIANT An array of 3 real numbers, representing 3d coordinates Returned closest position on the straight line
PointOnThisLineVARIANT An array of 3 real numbers, representing 3d coordinates Returned closest position on this line
IsValidSolutioninteger Flag indicating validity of solutions +1 valid, -1 invalid
Return valuenone 

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