
getResults(entity, component, [units], [loadcase])

Return the value of the specified result type and component at node. All options (loadcase, transformation, Wood-Armer, composite layer, etc) will be taken from the current view If an UnitSet object (or its name) is given, the value will be returned in those units. Otherwise it will be returned in the database's current unit system. Note that for efficiency the requested results are cached and will not be removed from the system (and so will potentially use a large amount of memory) until explicitly removed with a call to flushScriptedResults

entitystring Results entity i.e. "Stress - Thick Shell" etc..
componentstring Sx, Sy, Sxy, etc.. See element reference manual for details
unitsoptional IFUnitSet
loadcaseoptional IFLoadset If this variable is given, and the currently active loadcase is an envelope, the variable will be set to the results loadcase that caused the result
Return valuedoubleResults value



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