Note that because advanced elements
are required for this type of analysis LUSAS Composite is only
available as a 'Plus' version.

LUSAS Composite plus
A feature-rich engineering analysis system for advanced composite
analysis consisting of:
- Extended advanced high-performance element library including:
- Bars
- Thick + thin beams
- Plane stress/strain continuum
- Axisymmetric solid continuum
- Solid continuum (high order)
- Flat thin membranes
- Curved thin semiloof shells
- Curved thick shells
- Axisymmetric membranes
- Axisymmetric thin shells
- Axisymmetric solid continuum with non-axisymmetric loading
- Generalised joint/springs/gaps.
- Advanced materials including:
- Isotropic, orthotropic, anisotropic and rigidity models, composite
lay-ups for shells and solids, temperature dependency.
- Integrated Windows
User Interface
for Vista,
7, 8, 8.1, 10
- Integrated DXF and IGES
- Fast Iterative Solver Technology
For: Linear static stress, linear buckling, natural
frequency, fatigue, nonlinear and dynamic analysis problems when used with the appropriate
LUSAS Composite plus software option.
LUSAS Composite plus software
Included for
new orders:
- Fast Multifrontal Direct
- Fast Multifrontal Block
Lanczos Eigensolver
- Complex Eigensolver
- Fast Parallel Direct Solver
- Fast Parallel Iterative Solver
Available for purchase
to increase the analysis and design capabilities of LUSAS
Composite plus:
IMDplus Analysis
- Multiple event assessment
- Linear dynamics effects
- Large displacement, large
rotation and large strain geometric nonlinearities
- Material nonlinearity
including plasticity, concrete, damage, volumetric,
geotechnical, rubber, creep, temperature dependent, and user
supplied models
- Incremental, iterative (MNR or
NR), line search and arc length solution procedures
- Follower forces
- Slideline/slidesurface contact
- Spectral and forced response
- Modal or Rayleigh damping
- Transient dynamics
- Automatic time step selection
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Time dependent materials and
/ Field Analysis
- Steady state and transient
- Linear, nonlinear and field
dependent material models
- Automatic time steps
- Link, line, plane,
axisymmetric and solid field elements
Related Services Available
High Precision Moulding (HPM)
- Accurately predict the
distortion of laminated composite parts during manufacture and
provide reverse engineered surfaces to create "right
first time" tooling.
Find out more
Software Information